You Don't Know

Saturday, February 27, 2010
You know You don't really know what you've got until you loose it. You

don't know how bad your going to feel when that special someone

leaves or isn't around until they are really gone. You don't know how it

feels to be lonely until you sleep by yourself for the first time in years. You

really don't know what true 
love is until it gets ripped right out of your

hands. You don't know how to tell your 2 year old where their
father is

until she comes up to you and asks. You don't know what the word I
love you mean until the love of your life tell you it on the day of your
wedding day. You don't know what its like to stay up late with your
daughter because she wants her daddy until that night you are up all

night because she is screaming for her daddy. You don't know how

mad your 
daughter is until she goes off on you and tells you she hates

you for taking her 
father from her. So hold on to what you have

because you never know when its going to be ripped right out of your



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